Prof. Dong Jun, Deputy Dean of CNEE and Prof. Tang Jie paid official visits to the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) from Oct. 28th –Nov. 1st, 2019. The delegation visited and discussed detailed collaboration programs with Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute (NEWRI), College of Earth of Science (EOS) and College of Civil Engineering and Environment (CEE) of both NUS and NTU. During this visit, the delegation also met Prof. Shen Zexiang, President of the Singapore Alumni Association of Jilin University and expressed heart-felt thanks for the continuous support and help that Prof. Shen gave to CNEE.
Through this visit, CNEE had reached cooperation intention with NUS-CEE and NTU-CEE on student exchange program, joint training program and undergraduate short-term communication program. After returning back to JLU, CNEE will carry out 3+1+1 joint training program with NUS-CEE first, and will follow up on other cooperation programs, such as teacher exchange, international research collaboration and PhD joint training programs.

Prof. Dong and Prof. Tang with Prof. Qin in NTU

Prof. Dong and Prof. Tang with Prof. Hu and Prof. Wang in NUS