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ZHAO Yongsheng

Author: Date: 2020-11-02 22:09click: [ ]

Title: Professor, Distinguished Professor of Jilin University and Jilin province

Position: Director, State-Local Joint Engineering Lab for Control and Remediation Technology of Petrochemical Contaminated Site

Telephone: +86-431-88502606

Email: zhaoyongsheng@jlu.edu.cn

Research Interests

Risk management of contaminated site

Groundwater contamination control and remediation

Simulation and early warning of groundwater pollution

Solid waste landfill and pollution management

Achievements Outline

26 research projects have been successfully undertaken, which have been supported by National High-tech Research Program, National Major Projects on Control and Rectification of Water body Pollution, and National Natural Science Fund, and others. Several air and hydraulic based in situ enhanced remediation technologies and remediation agents for contaminated groundwater have been developed in the research. He has published more than100 academic journal papers, 7 academic works. 6 prizes of the progress in science and technology have been awarded. Prof. Zhao was specially appointed as "Distinguished Professor" by Jilin University and Jilin province respectively. He is also the winner of the State Council special allowance, a senior expert in Jilin Province. His academic services include positions as vice-director of the Soil and Groundwater Environment Committee of the Chinese Environmental Science Society, Council member of the Chinese Environmental Science Society, etc.