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ZHANG Wenjing

Author: Date: 2020-11-02 22:15click: [ ]

Wenjing Zhang

Title/Position: Professor/Ph.D. advisor

Telephone:  +86-15844073066

Email: zhwenjing@jlu.edu.cn

Research Interests

 Solute, colloid, virus transportation in the porous medium

 Groundwater pollution simulation and risk assessment

Achievements Outline

Professor Zhang has successfully undertaken projects through 10 terms, including NSFC Projects, sub-project of the National Key Scientific and Technological Project, and new teacher fund of the Ministry of Education. Systematic research has been carried out in the following aspects: (1) Solute, colloid , virus transportation in the porous medium under different hydro chemistry and hydrodynamic conditions; (2) groundwater pollution risk evaluation construction and application under different pollution scale (point / line / non-point source). More than 20 SCI papers have been published. Prizes such as the 2nd prize for academic achievements of Natural Science from Jilin province has been awarded.