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ZHANG Fengjun

Author: Date: 2020-11-02 22:16click: [ ]

Fengjun Zhang

Title/PositionProfessor/Ph.D. advisor

Telephone:  +86-431-88498717

Email: zhangfengjun@jlu.edu.cn

Research Interests

Water treatment and resource recovery technology

Environmental nano-functional materials

Carbon dioxide storage technology

Achievements Outline

Professor Zhang has successively undertaked more than 60 projects, such as Study on Biogeochemical Behavior Mediated by Microorganisms in the Process CO2-brine Storage supported by the National Natural Science Fund committee, Research and Development of New Technology and Equipment for Purification of Inferior Components of Water Source in Villages and Towns of Northeast High Cold Region (National Science and Technology Public Relations Project), New Technology for Remove Manganese from Groundwater and Drinking Water by Contact Oxidation in Northeast High Cold Region (National Science and Technology Support Program), Experiment on the Mechanism of CO2 Fluid-sandstone Interaction (sub-project of Study on the Mechanism and Numerical Simulation of Geological Storage of CO2, project of China Geological Survey), and some projects supported by Science and Technology Department and Environmental Protection Department of Jilin Province, Beijing Municipal Water Affairs Bureau and others. Professor Zhang has published more than 80 academic journal papers on Marine Pollution Bulletin, Journal of Molecular Structure, J.Chem Technol Biotechnol, Oil Shale, RSC Advance and other publications, an academic work and 3 national invention patents In addition, he has been awarded 3 prizes of the Progress Prize in science and technology.