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YANG Yuesuo

Author: Date: 2020-11-02 22:23click: [ ]

Yuesuo Yang

Title: Professor/PhD Supervisor

Tel/fax: +86 (431) 88502850

Email: yangyuesuo@jlu.edu.cn

Research Interests

n Fate/transport, toxicology & remediation of emerging contaminants in soil/water environments (especially groundwater)

n Investigation, characterization & remedial technology of contaminated soil/groundwater

n Physio-chemical & biological processes & management of diffuse contamination at catchment scale.

Achievement Outline

   Undertaken about 15 research projects as a PI recently, including the MoST Major R&D, "863" Project, MoE Changjiang Award, NSFC and other projects. Most work like Remediation Technology of Petroleum Contaminated Shallow Groundwater were focused upon both site specific R&D that systematically studied the site investigation, risk assessment & remediation technologies and the related science based upon the practical experience of in the UK.  About 164 papers and 5 academic books were published. Some academic prizes at national and ministerial levels have been awarded. He was awarded Professor Rose Outstanding Research (EU) in 2002 and a paper was elected as one of the “One Hundred China Papers with the Highest International Impact” in 2011.