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WANG Xianen

Author: Date: 2020-11-02 22:45click: [ ]

Name: Wang Xianen

Title: Professor

Phone Number: 0431-85168429

E-MAIL: wxen@jlu.edu.cn

Research Directions:

Environmental planning and assessment, environmental economics, low-carbon economy and circular economy


Undergraduate courses: Environmental Planning, Environmental System Analysis, Environmental System Analysis and Planning, Environmental Economics

Graduate courses: Environmental Planning and Management, Environmental System Engineering

Research Projects:

Participated or led over 40 projects of various types

Main projects include:

1. Study on Optimal Design of Wetland Ecological Water Replenishment Scheme Normalizing and Ecological Compensation Mechanism - a Case Study of Xianghai Wetland (51379089), Natural Science Foundation of China

2. Study on the Policy of Low Carbon Economic Zone Construction in Response to Climate Change (70941036), Natural Science Foundation of China

3. Study on Total Value Management Mechanism of Water Pollution Control (70773048), Natural Science Foundation of China

4. Study on Decomposition and Assessment System of Carbon Emission Index in Jilin City, project funded by China Clean Development Mechanism Fund

5. Study on Allocation Mechanism of Carbon Emission Quota in Jilin Province, project of Jilin Province Development and Reform Commission

Academic Papers:

A Study on the Estimation Method of Wetland Purification Capacity to Surface Runoff . Accepted by Int'l conf. on Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH2010)

A Study on the Development Path of China's Low-Carbon Economy under the Global Climate Change . Accepted by Int'l conf. on Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH2010)

Development of Low Carbon Agriculture, Environmental Protection, 2010

Works and Textbooks:

Guo Huaicheng (chief editor), Wang Xianen (one of the editors). Environmental Planning, Higher Education Press (Textbooks for 21st century), 2001;

Bai Xiaoming (chief editor), Wang Xian (one of the editors). Study on the Ecological Environment and Construction of Ecological Province of Jilin, Jilin University Press, 2000;

Zhao Yongsheng (chief editor), Wang Xianen (one of the editors). Industrialization of Water, Changchun Publishing House, 2002:

Wang Xiuping, Wang Xianen (chief editor). Instrument Analysis Technology, Chemical Industry Press, 2003;

Yu Liansheng (chief editor)m Wang Xianen (one of the editors). Natural Resource Value Theory and Application, Chemical Industry Press, 2004;

Wang Xiuping, Liu Boan, Wang Xianen (chief editor). Practical Analysis and Chemical Experiments, Chemical Industry Press, 2005.


Study on GIS dynamic monitoring system of surface water in Jilin province, 3rd Prize of Progress in Science and Technology of Jilin Province, 2003

Water industrialization of water in Changchun city, 1st Prize of Distinguished Achievement of Changchun Science Commission, 2001

Innovative research and reform on education and teaching of environmental science major, 3rd Prize of Outstanding Teaching Achievement of Jilin Province, 2004

Innovative research and reform on education and teaching of environmental science major, 1st Prize of Outstanding Teaching Achievement of Jilin University, 2004

Exploration of circular economy society construction of Changchun city, Outstanding Academic Paper Award of the 3rd Annual Science and Technology Academic Meeting in Jilin Province, 2004