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LIANG Xiujuan

Author: Date: 2020-11-03 09:14click: [ ]

Prof. Xiujuan LIANG

Title/Position: Professor/ Ph.D. advisor

Telephone: +86-18626914139

Email: lax64@126.com; liangxj@jlu.edu.cn

Research Interests

Monitoring and simulation of pollution in water and soil environment

Simulation, Storage and Use of Ground water

Rational allocation and sustainable use of water resources

Achievement Outline

Prof. Liang has devoted in investigation and research in hydrogeology, water resources and its environment since 1987. Since 2010, she has completed or is conducting more than 30 research programs such as National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China (RFDP),The national 11th five year plan of science and technology support key projects, and China geological survey projects, Scientific Development Plan of Jilin Province, and special study for key water project in Jilin province.

She has published 6 books and is chief editor of two books, and published more than 130 papers in hydrogeology, hydrology and its environment. 230 papers have been published, of which 76 papers are indexed by SCI, EI and CPCI-S(ISTP). Her achievements won the third prize of advance of science and technology, the third prize of Natural Science and Technology Achievement Award in Jilin province, and third prize of Excellent teaching achievements in Jilin Province. Now, she is an expert of water resources guarantee of Water Resources Ministry of the people's Republic of China, and steward of Jilin province groundwater association.